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Welcome to my personal website. This is my place to share information about mathematics, statistics, programming and really anything that fascinates me. It also serves as a way to chronicle and motivate my pursuit of knowledge.

This site is the successor of my 2019 R blog. My R blog focuses on the R programming language and utilizes the excellent R package blogdown, created by Yihui Xie, to run the backend. The content for my old blog consists mainly of data analytic and statistical reports.

For this website I wanted to create a more sophisticated site with a larger scope. To accomplish this I rely on Python's powerful Django package. Django allows me a great deal of control over the content and presentation of the website. My goal was to create a website that I could look at and say, "Wow, this is really awesome!" So I've put a lot of time into polishing the site and ensuring it has a strong backbone.

In the current iteration of this site I have restricted myself to a home, blog, projects and about page. I am very happy with my current progress and look forward to building on this foundation in the future. Future site updates will likely be an amalgamation of adding new sections to the site along with increasing site interactivity.

Let's take a quick tour of the site. The home section is a sort of "Hello World!" for visitors. The blog is my place to talk; it will include data analysis projects, short sections of code, news and other topics that I think are worth highlighting. The projects page is my showcase; check out some of my best work there. Lastly I have this about page with some exterior site links including my old blog.

Many of the ideas in this early build of the site are experimental and I will continue working on and improving the site over time. Of course, presentation is important, but it is the content that I am most excited about. This is my place to keep track of both accomplishments and ideas and I am very excited to see how this site grows.